Knitting Shoe Trends

In contrast with the function of footwear in general, knitting shoes used not to protect the feet on the street. Knitting more fitting shoes used at home as footwear for warmth. Knit slipper shoes house serves as a distinguished hotel or sandals made ​​of thin fabric or foam.

Shoes knitting is also present with a colorful attractive, because it was more and more fans. For those who can knit, of course no problem making shoes knitting. Many books or sources on the internet which provide knitting patterns to make shoes knitting.

Knitting Shoe Care

Because not used to walk outside, does not mean you can ignore your knitting shoe care. Dusty floor surface which tends to make a quick dirty footwear. Therefore wash knit boots regularly. Do not use a brush because it can damage the surface of the yarn rajutnya.

We recommend that you first knitted shoes soaked in soap solution which is enough to help release dirt. After that wash with a soft brushed knit shoes. You should not use the washing machine because it can damage shoes knitting yarn.

Dry in the sun to dry. Do not get used to wearing shoes that still wet because knitting can be a fungal growth media. Risk is embossed to cause odor on your feet.

Because always rubbing with the surface of the floor, the base knitted shoes tend to be more easily worn. Therefore, if you knit shoes, choose a strong thread and not easy to wear. Similarly, when you buy shoes knitting. Choose shoes made ​​of yarn knitting distinguished forte. Do not choose shoes which are made of knitted wool fabric ordinary.


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